Archive for News

Have You Considered Dental Implant Restoration?

At Valley Grace Dental in Bakersfield, California, we offer dental implants for our patients seeking long-lasting improvements to their smile. To help you better understand dental implants, we would like to dispel some myths surrounding dental implant restoration. Myth #1 Dental implant placements are painful Dental implant placement is a surgical procedure, so there can be some discomfort and pain, but no more than having a tooth extracted. Dr. Arthur Huang and our team will ensure that you are as comfortable during the procedure as possible, offering aesthetic options to suit your needs. Myth #2 Dental implants can be rejected or even fall out Dental implants are […]

Spring Into Summer With A Confident Smile

Spring has sprung, and summer is almost here! The sun shouldn’t be the only thing shining bright this season. Your smile is a great feature to show off to friends, family, coworkers, social media, a date and everyone else! Need help to show off your smile confidently? Our team can help you achieve the look you desire. The American Dental Association (ADA) found in a study that 28-29% of the people they surveyed said the appearance of their mouth and teeth affected their abilities to effectively interview for a job. In the same study, one in four adults (and 35% of young adults) […]

Oral Health Care Highlights: Root Canal Therapy

Not all teeth that are damaged are guaranteed to end up on the extraction table. Even if you have suffered extensive damage to a tooth and have an effective pulp that must be removed, it may be possible for root canal therapy to remove the pulp and still save the tooth. Here are some basic facts to remember about root canals: – Oral accidents and injuries can arise at any time and leave your teeth broken, shattered, and damaged. If an oral accident has taken place and the tooth’s pulp has been damaged, the pulp will need to be removed with a root […]

The Difference Between Full And Partial Dentures

Do you know the important differences between full and partial dentures? Our team is happy to review both versions for optimal tooth replacement to help you better understand how they can restore your smile. Below we will review the main types of dentures, which are full and partial dentures, and the benefits they have to offer. Dentures replace missing teeth in your smile to keep other teeth from changing their position. Dentures are customized for your mouth to fit comfortably and can be removed for cleaning. Today’s dentures are more natural-looking than ever so that your appearance and smile remain natural. Without […]

How You Can Keep Your Gums Vibrant And Healthy!

NATIONAL GUM DISEASE AWARENESS MONTH: HOW YOU CAN KEEP YOUR GUMS VIBRANT AND HEALTHY! In honor of February’s Gum Disease Awareness Month – a global public awareness campaign for preventing gum disease – Valley Grace Dental wants to help spread the word about this insidious disease. That’s because it can destroy your smile if it is left untreated. Fortunately, you can take action to help prevent this from happening! Gum disease is caused by the ongoing attacks of the bacteria that live in dental plaque. Plaque is that sticky, colorless coating you can feel on your teeth before you brush them. The reason you […]

A Dental Crown Can Beautifully Restore Your Tooth

A DENTAL CROWN CAN BEAUTIFULLY RESTORE YOUR TOOTH If you have recently learned that you have a badly broken, damaged, or infected tooth, our dentist may recommend having a dental crown placed. A crown or tooth-shaped “cap” is a fixed prosthetic cemented onto a tooth to restore its appearance, form and function as well as strengthen the tooth. Dental crowns cover a tooth’s entire surface, and when treatment is completed, it will look like your surrounding teeth. When Crowns are Used While dental veneers are used to correct small chips or cracks in the teeth and a dental implant is used to replace a […]

Start Off The New Year With A Whiter Smile!

START OFF THE NEW YEAR WITH A WHITER SMILE! Have you been waiting for the right time to get teeth whitening treatment? There’s no better time than the New Year! In 2022, you are setting all kinds of new goals, and one goal you can shoot for is a whiter and brighter smile. Teeth whitening lightens teeth, helping remove discoloration and stains that have taken place over time. The primary target of a teeth whitening is the tooth enamel, which results from the natural color combined with the color of the dentin underneath. The reflecting light off the dentin gives you the overall […]

Foods Your Teeth Appreciate

We all know that soda and sugary foods are not great for our teeth, but what foods are good for our teeth? Arthur Huang, DDS has the answers and we want to help you make great choices that your teeth will appreciate. The American Dental Association recommends eating a variety of foods and selecting most from the following categories: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins like skinless poultry and fish, and dairy foods that are low in fat content. When these foods are consumed, your teeth are less likely to form cavities. Tooth decay is also less likely to occur when these are […]

Dental Implants Are A Solution To Replacing Lost Teeth

When it comes to your smile, taking care of your teeth is an investment in your oral health that pays many dividends. With tooth loss, missing teeth can affect you in multiple ways. Even losing just one tooth can cause problems. Some of that is emotional, as people often feel self-conscious and embarrassed to smile if a prominent tooth is missing, but losing a tooth can also impact your oral health. There are a variety of reasons that a tooth may be lost. What Causes Tooth Loss? Tooth decay Gum disease Dental injury Family history/genetics Poor diet Lax oral hygiene Replacing a missing tooth early on is important, […]

5 Qualities Of A Good Dentist

Dental care is an essential part of your overall health, and finding the right dentist for you is imperative for good oral hygiene. Even the best flossers and brushers still need to get checked regularly, given that some oral issues can be hereditary or just inevitable. Finding the right dentist for you can be somewhat of a draining and unpleasant process. We are making that easier by highlighting the best qualities to look for during your next appointment. 1. Extensive KnowledgeThe best dentists will be well-versed in all things related to your oral hygiene. Next time you are at your appointment, […]

Valley Grace Dental in Bakersfield

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